Welcome to our amazing Library & iCentre in 2017

Welcome back to another exciting year in our library and iCentre. 2017 holds great promise with many classes having longer lessons each week allowing the opportunity for us all to delve deeper into information literacy and digital technologies, underpinned by an inquiry-based learning pedagogy. Books and reading still shine in the library but we will all be learning and developing essential skills and understanding of ICT.
An inquiry-based approach to learning will see students learn about research and information (what is true, accurate and reliable) and how to find this information from the traditional book and online. Our students will become responsible users of technology and how to use technology and the internet in a safe and productive way to further enhance the learning in the classroom.
We will be celebrating Book Week in August with our annual Kindergarten to Year 2 Book Parade and our whole school book fair and author visit. Keep an eye open for details over the next few months but, for our younger students, start thinking about possible costumes!
Finally, we have 13 new student librarians helping in the library this year and they have already shown their dedication and eagerness to learn. Lunchtimes in the library this year promise to be great thanks to our wonderful librarians and their enthusiasm to help all visitors.
Mrs Freund & Mrs Barbour